Workshop Energie in organisaties

19 April 2010

Op 28 april organiseert Bureau Zee (Anjet van Linge) voor klanten en collega’s een workshop over energie in organisaties. Anjet doet dit onder meer om te markeren dat zij vanaf 1 mei 8 maanden tijd gaat nemen om te schrijven, te beeldhouwen en wat zich verder aandient, nog steeds deels vanuit Nieuwe Energie.

De workshop is hier, in Volt en Lumiere, en ook jullie zijn van harte welkom.
Meer informatie vind je onderstaand.
Als je komen wilt, laat het dan even weten via: Anjet van Linge

Primary Energy in Working Communities – an exploration

This is an invitation to join a one day exploration of the movement of primary energy in working communities. In our working communities, be they formal organizations or not, we are moved by, and actively contribute to the energy that sustains the work we do.
Over the past year we have been developing a sketch, a lens, a moving model if you wish, of primary energy in working communities.
We are offering the emerging model as it stands, as a loose frame for the work we will do together on this day.
Quite what we will do, will emerge. Once we have ended the day we may begin to discover why those of us who were there did what we did.
We will allow ourselves to be guided by four questions:

- What is a working community and what moves it?
- Who am I in my community?
- How do we create the field we move in?
- Where do we believe ourselves to be and what opening is emerging before us?

We will be guiding a joint exploration that works with the reflective intelligence of each of us, feeding our collective discernment so we can learn about ourselves, our communities and the field between us.

Where & When
Nieuwe Energie, 3e Binnenvestgracht 23, 2312 NR, Leiden
Volt en Lumiere
28 April 2010

- 09.30 opening the space
- 10.00 exploration starts
- 16.30 exploration ends, for now gathering over drinks
- 18.30 closing the space

We, Zachary Green and Anjet van Linge will act as your guides on this day. We do this because we believe it matters to explore the spaces we live and work in, the fields we create around and within us – and because we can only move our collective thinking about what is better for our world if we share where we are with you who have informed our work, and if we allow all of us, to be invited into movement. If you feel you have something to offer or learn on this day, if you feel drawn by or pushed away by our invitation, we hope you will attend.
The day is hosted by Bureau Zee (organization and leadership development) and Group Relations International (GRI, an organization that works for a just world
through group relations and applied spirituality).

We will work in a mix of English and Dutch.

Participation is free of charge, coffee and tea will be provided and there is a restaurant in the building for lunch. Should you wish to contribute, a donation of Euro 100 to the GRI foundation is appreciated, and will be possible on the day. Funds will be used towards enabling those less privileged to attend our events or contribute to enabling them to organize their own developmental events in a similar spirit.

Workshop Energie in organisaties

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